
Friday, September 14, 2007

Angelica Gigas

Here it is. Picked this up at Ambergate. It's from Korea. It grows 5-6 feet high, and is reported to self seed nicely, though I'm sure I'll help it along once it goes to seed. It's a biennial. Its flowers look glittery. I want a colony. I know it doesn't "go" with the native NE plants I got going almost everywhere else in my 2 month old garden, but it looks nice across from the sun-scalded red Japanese maple and the isanti dogwood. Too bad the electric meter is just three feet away.

In other news, the cardinal brought his lover in to check out the maiden grass. I can hear them in the cedars as I type.

My autumn blaze maple blazed already, at least 2/3 of it in spots. That's what I get for planting trees in 100 degree heat in July. But I knew once I got back to PhDing and teaching I'd have no time--and that's becoming true. Plus, it's supposed to 38 here tonight. The crab and dogwoods are showing signs of it getting cold at night, yet 85 is coming on Monday. Everything is stressed--my plants, me, the plants, me....

In other news, had a lovely rejection note from MO Review. I always get lovely notes from them, just never anything truly loved. This time I sent them a small essay on hummingbirds and my grandmother--a darn good piece and one I'm particularly fond of in my memoir--and they said they liked it a lot, but felt it was disjointed in spots (I disagree, but I might look at it again later this fall once the book's first draft is all down). Good thing it's sim-ed out to other places. I've hope. Until it's dashed again. Like most every fall. I really want to be in MO Review.

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