
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lilacs Smell Like Urinal Cakes

It's true. Try it. Of course, the opposite is just as true, but this is creepier.

This message brought to you by things best not discussed. (Note, the left is not a lilac, it's a hibiscus bloom, as close as I could get.)


  1. I'm not sure I'll be able to grow hibiscus now after seeing this. Where is this fleur located?

  2. Slightly twisted, aren't we? ;->

  3. Yeah, I've seen 'em. (If not smelled 'em.) They say that humor is the most individual of human traits, and let's just say that the guy who designed the flower urinals must have a very individualistic sense of humor! Geez.

  4. I'm guessing you mean before they go into the urinal! lol...

  5. Curmudgeon--Oh, I've no idea, actually. But good look aiming the hose at your hibiscus.
    Frances--I see no reason why we can't spark up our lives with such things. But also, at the nursery the other day, walking by the lilacs, I was struck at how they smelled; so creepy.
    OFB--I love whoever invented those urinals!
    Stuart--Oh har har har. :) Yes, BEFORE they are used. But I'm a sitter, not a stander, so I wouldn't know for sure. Too much info, huh?
