
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Funnels, 5" of Rain, Cherry Pie

Wednesdays are tornado day in Nebraska; two weeks in a row now. Wife and I (and cats) spent 2 hours in the basement last night, as our Mrs. Smith's cherry pie grew tepid upstairs. The cold front moved ever so slowly, allowing three confirmed funnel clouds to slide overhead, one only minutes later a confirmed tornado just NE of Lincoln. But it never got really bad here.

The real story is the rain at Insert Name Here Gardens. Nearly 5" in my rain gauge. 4.5 of that fell in about one hour last night between about 6:45 and 7:45. HOLY CRAP I say.

All this rain is going to force me to build a small dry stream across the japanese garden, in front of a down spout, and build a small bridge over said stream (very small). Yes, sure I'll enjoy this process, but I also can't have so much mulch floating away. Plus, once I do this, I hope to be able to plant a greater diversity of stuff on the east side. As for the main garden, 1/4 of it is now officially a bog garden.

Roger dodger.


  1. Holy crap seems about right. It's been raining every day here (SW Montana) for weeks, and we've had minor flooding, but nothing like what's going on in your part of the world.
    Good luck with the bog garden. And next time, remember to take the pie dowonstairs with you.

  2. Wow that much rain sounds like the PNW. Bog garden indeed. Glad you, wife and critters are safe. We've been following the news and corresponding with friends in Lincoln. Sounds particularly bad this year, no? --Curmudgeon

  3. Kate--Oh, we went upstairs and had some anyway between sirens. :)
    WWW--Yes, it is like the PNW! It's been very stormy so far this spring, and VERRRRRY wet (and I hear the U.S. is already blowing away the annual tornado record). Monday I was digging a 1' hole and struck oil, err, water--this near the TOP of a slope. Hopefully, our dry aquifers are getting a good drink.

  4. Something weird is going on with the storms. They seem to keep hitting the same places over again. We've been very lucky here to get some of the rain, but not the deluge. Have you started working on your ark yet?

  5. I am glad you were spared from the twister. The weather everywhere has been crazy. We got a tornado in May that did quite a bit of damage, but fortunately no one was hurt. Now we have not had rain in 2 weeks, we are already below average for the year, and the past week had 4 days near 100. Let's hope this spring has been a fluke and not a new pattern.

  6. I am glad you have a basement! I would find that twister s.... a bit overwhelming! As for the rain, go with the flow. Sorry about that but what can you do?

  7. Rain's all good and fine, but at some point, it gets a bit tiring. When I read that you were in the basement, I thought you were able to say - dealing with the water. That's what I've been doing and now am longing for some sunshine without the constant threat of more clouds.

    Bog gardens have a certain appeal, no?

  8. Garden without a name, eh? How about Holy Crap Garden?!! It's always nice to have a name. And if you're going for a Japanese theme, you could always simply translate it. No doubt it would sound very elegant and dignified...

  9. MMD--Ark is 1/4 done, but I'm afraid it's much too small for all my plants (a special kind of ark). I just looked at the rain stats, and we're only 3-4" over normal--but it all comes in 3-4" deluges, so....
    Les--100??? May?? Last year on July 7, my wedding day, it was 105 or so with high humidity and dewpoint--that's the only time, July, it should ever get that hot. Well, August too out here in the plains.
    Layanee--I can pitch tents over my plants. Dozens of tents. We can camp out then with our plants. Wow. What an idea...!
    Kate--Good to see/read you again. Bog gardens are nice, yes, of course, just not where they shouldn't be. And nope, no water in our basement, but the sump pump had been pumping like crazy (how much sump could a sump pump pump if sump pump would pump sump?).
    OFB--Could French it up a bit; Zee Oley Crop Jardeen-eh.
