
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Seasonal Cartoons

Bienvenu, mes amies. FYI--it's 22, raining, and thundering. What's up?


  1. That first pic is hilarious. My sister and me were wondering what eggnog tastes like. If she asks me again before Xmas I'm going to send her that pic.

  2. Fabulous cartoons. My favourite is the one with the pigeons.

  3. MBT--That's why it's first! It amkes you think about where your food comes from. Gross.
    Victoria--I love that one! I think it's happened to me, too....

  4. Miss my kistletoe, dawg. Great little tidbit. What drew me down here was your newer post on writing and taking chances with arrangement of the parts. Keep us posted on how the next leg of your writing journey proceeds.

    And a Merry Christian Usurption of the Pagan Winter Solistice to you and yours.

  5. GWG--The LAST leg, sir! Hip hip.... Merry Christmas you, pagan or otherwise.

  6. Hi Ben! It's me, Alice!
    I was just writing to tell you that you spelled "quoi" wrong in the tag for this post.
    Alice Bolin: self-employed volunteer copy editor.
