
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Most of Us Almost Died This Morning

A 200 foot wide asteroid missed the earth this morning by 40,000 miles, or 1/7 the distance to the moon, or, twice as far as some satellites.

It's likely that it was and will again be drawn to the Earth's gravity, and could make us extinct or something. Oh, and it was only discovered Friday.

If the asteroid had hit, it would've had 1,000 times the destructive force of Hiroshima. Carpe diem folks, carpe diem old school.


  1. Egad. Where's Bruce Willis when we need him? Great title by the way.

  2. Oh, I was too busy to notice, trying to beat the car beside me into the intersection.

  3. I guess if it had hit my day would have been ruined.

  4. Pam--I want to have Bruce's baby. That way I have someone who can fight my battles for me when I'm older.
    Les--Who won? Want to borrow my Porsche?
    WA--That thing would've, what, taken out the whole country?
    Susan--Yes, the widget is a dream--both the cash, and the date. Having some paperwork problems because no one had ever wanted to graduate with two complete dissertations. Grad studies loves me right now. (sarcasm)

  5. and that's why I always finish my pie.

  6. And to think I worry about being hit by something as small and cosmically negligible as a car!

    It is, indeed, a great widget. Let's me know precisely when to drop to my knees and address the ceiling thusly: "Have mercy on him, Oh Lord; the man wrote two dissertations, so his brain is doubly fried, and he'll need all the help he can get. Amen."

  7. Don--Amen brother. The WHOLE pie, not just a piece.
    Kate--Have mercy indeed. I've editing to do before then as per my committee's requests, AND the paperwork is just insanely laborious. I will get a mental and physical workout going from building to building. I look forward to your prayer.

  8. Crap! If an asteroid hits before spring, I'm going to scream. At least I've seen one tiny snowdrop surprise bloom in the yard.
    But it looks like you have that defense coming up anyway. Best of luck!

  9. Lynn--Actually, I'd prefer if it held off till after fall. September is simply magical in my garden. Spring is like winter part deux for me--summer takes forever to get going, the perennials seems slow and deliberate, and nothing really heats up until that post-August blast furnace.

  10. I'm with you on that last point, Benjamin. Although sometimes October is better for me than September, even.

  11. Well yes, now that you mention it, October was pretty neat this year. I can't wait to see what my tall asters do this year, along with the joe pye weed. Viva eupatorium, or whatever they're calling it now (didn't I hear that name was changing?).
