
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Of Tams and Blossoms

Did you know academic caps are called tams? And that if you want a PhD one it'll cost you $70, plus shipping? I do not want to look like the other riffraff so I bought it--no 4 square mortar board for me, luxurious octagonal velvet here I come.

And since it's too hot outside to garden, I took some pics. Stuff is growing by leaps and bounds even though we're well over 3" short on rainfall this spring.

The neighbor's seven pears are abloom

All kinds of insects, lady bugs especially, are enjoying the 'Prairie Cascade' willow blooms

'Prairie Fire' crab leaves emerged maroon, but are already fading to green, alas

At least the NWA planes don't say Delta yet

'Coralburst' crab about to burst

Lysimachia ciliata 'Firecracker' has spread from its now-dead center

Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander' spreading nicely this year

Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima' (Red Chokeberry) looks more like milkweed about to bloom

Ninebark 'Coppertina' looks the best this time of year


  1. When I graduated from Edinburgh, we didn't wear mortarboards (thank goodness) but we did get tapped on the head with a velvet cap that is reputed to be made from a pair of John Knox's breeches. Do we get to see a picture of you in full graduation regalia?

  2. Do you prefer Dr. Ben, Dr. Benjamin or Dr. Vogt?

  3. Love the 'coppertina'. My 'prairiefire' is quite purple leaved still...probably because the weather has been quite cold!

    Like your selection of plants here...and altho the Delta pic is a non sequitur...enjoyed that one as well :)

  4. I believe he wants to be called Dr. TwoDiss:)

  5. Victoria--Well, we have the option to wear gowns or go nude for our regalia, so not sure what I'll do, or which pic you might want to see.
    Les--Dr. Sexy (I am trying to flatter as I have a reading this afternoon)
    Ilona--It's been almost 90 and muggy here the last few days. Nothing is keeping color of flowers for long.
    Lynnminny--Yes, Dr. TwoDiss works quite well, too. Or, Dr. Nine Years.
