
Sunday, September 27, 2009

PBS and National Parks

Ar you watching it this week? The National Parks: America's Best Idea (Ken Burns). The first episode tonight was very moving for me, and had personal favorites talking and being talked about: John Muir, William Cronan, and Terry Tempest Williams. So good. Every night this week on PBS. Go go go.

(And as an aside, I used to think it strange talking to trees, sitting on the ground for hours watching that small world of a few square feet. But it's not. And I realize I've got more Muir in me than I previously thought--though I don't see myself spending the night in a tree during a storm to understand what the tree goes through in a storm).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Benjamin--

    Sadly I missed it; feeling too under the weather last night to concentrate on television. I'm going to try to watch tonight, however...PM coming your way today (I hope), re the garden anthology.

  3. Funny, I have a similair comment on my blog. I've got the DVR set for the entire series and I am really looking forward to watching.

  4. Sounds like there's something good on the telly.

    Needless to say I can't view it over here. Often it's a case of 900chanels and nothing to watch.

    As for spending a stormy night in a tree; well I guess we can assume it's hectic!

  5. Yes, I have been watching. I want to see them all, all of the National Parks that is. The show is inspiring.

  6. Thank you, Thank you for telling me about this show. It is inspiring and well made.

  7. I just finished watching the last episode. Several times throughout the series, the eyes misted, notes were jotted and I was left with a strong feeling of wanderlust.

  8. I've onyl watched the first two episodes--the rest ill ahve to wait a while, but they're grand!

  9. Oh, it was such a great special! Ever since watching it I've been daydreaming of spending two weeks every summer - seeing at least three parks during that time. I want to visit them all! Is there anything more noble than saving wild lands? Muir, Stegner - such passion. I found it quite powerful.
