
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Frozen Fog Pics -- Part Deux

Who needs tree flocking? The frozen fog stuck, then the next night we had freezing rain. The double coat made the trees a brilliant white.

The sun is up there.

You can see the ribs of the freezing rain on the branches above the bird feeder--click to expand.


  1. Benjamin,

    Beautiful photos of the frost. I recall us having similar effects last winter.

  2. Randy--They are stunning images I think. Last year we had a 1/2" ice storm that made everything very pretty... including the streets, alas. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I first misread the title of this post as "Frozen Frog Pics". I'm much happier with the actual title and associated pics. Quite amazing, and we complain when it's 34 (above zero).

  4. TM--Frozen frogs would be sweet. Tasty treats. Party ice cubes.
