
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring. Winter. Sprinter. Wring. Swipringter.

Crocus, snow, junco, snow, tulips, snow, spiraea, snow, 66, 28, 49, 20, 55.... Ahh March.


  1. That sounds like March, alright! I love the crocus in the first photo--such delicate color.

  2. Made me choke on my tea, trying to say that title. And those temperature are ALL still cold!

  3. This gave me a laugh. I know the feeling. We don't get much snow in my neck of the woods, and we have had a couple of gorgeous sunny spring days. But now the weather is predicted to get cold again with the possibility of snow. No Way! Happy Spring!

  4. Dear March! it's 36 this AM and tomorrow it will be in the sixties...Dear March! gail

  5. You cracked me up with this post. The saying goes that March comes in like a lion, but it should really be something like "March is a temperamental bitch."

  6. No tea choking, no snow, no up and down temps, bitchy March in menopause or something. Actually, winter doesn't seem like it was so bad anymore. I know it was--it was actually closer than normal than it's been in years.

  7. LoL, you said it, Benjamin. It was so cold today that my parents south of *Atlanta* reported snow on their deck. Crazy weather. Still, it looks as though you're enjoying nonetheless. Love that shot of the burgundy shoots unfurling from the ground!

  8. Terrific post - lovely array of photographs and a nice dose of humour, which is much needed this time of year.

  9. Sorry to hear that March is being so moody in your part of the world, but it is lovely to see those new shoots emerging!

  10. Ah, March, indeed. Though we are getting some much needed rain today, Spring is definitely here. :) And if I accomplish nothing else this gardening season, I am definitely going to plant some spring bulbs this fall!

  11. Ah, March, indeed!! I love your terms, for the in-between times;-) Perhaps they could be added to the latest weather-terminology to accompany terms for Feb/March such as Farch, etc!! Hopefully your spring will really kick in, minus the snow and cold temps!! It was in the 70's here this in the 40's. Still better in terms of warmth, than yours...but still a bit 'flaky' and 'fickle'!!

  12. Sure sounds like March. Terrific post and great pictures / gittan

  13. I know a lot of people hate March, but I like it, all those wonderful plants bravely sprouting from the earth. I really like your Iris reticulata.

  14. Aaahhh! The Crocuses! How I love 'em! Mother Earth is waking up! Have a great weekend!
