
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blooming Winter Foliage

This is a TRUE bloom day, one I've never participated in because everyone just posts flowers. Blah. My love of 6 to 12 foot tall perennials is finally beginning to pay off--and one can only orgasmically fanticize about what things will look like in exactly one year. Wow. Screw summer with its trite petals. This is where it's at. I think the upcoming June garden tour should happen right now.

And then we also had a few birds pass overhead:

The grading is done, the semester is over. The office floor can once again be seen. I even opened up my computer, messed with some wires, and fixed my 11-1 memory card reader. I can't tell you how such ambition is literally sucked away like low tide during the term. Over winter break I expect to read at least ten books, and, perhaps, begin writing one or two of my own. Four weeks "off"--clock starts when I started this blog post. See you on the flip side.


  1. Sometimes I've suspected it...but you're really smoking crack, aren't you? You crazy poets. Hmph.

    I think you're so orgasmical that you're missing all the BROWN and DEAD in that picture.


  2. 16th is Pam at Digging's slot for the Foliage Followup meme ...

  3. I like your tall prairie, Benjamin. I'm a fan of tall perennials and grasses too, and their yellowing leaves have a quiet beauty all their own. Great for winter hiking.

  4. Clever: my garden looks like that now, too.

    Am still grading papers, owing to playing with blog (er, procrastination). Time off starts Monday.

  5. Have always enjoyed the rusts, browns & beige of fall and early winter.

  6. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. jim and pat

  7. Kyna--It's not dead. Besides, the line between death and life is thin, hazy at best. Look at frogs who overwinter with crystallized, frozen blood. Are they dead, or alive?
    D--thanks! I made a stop over there.
    Pam--I'm a fan ov anythign taller than me or my fence which blocks neighbor windows! :)
    Adrian--I've found grading papers at the end goes fast, though it doesnt' start out fast. Since students never see the papers again, I just read through them efficiently.
    RBell--Fall is my favorite season! It really is!
    Jim--Back at you Jim and Pat. Thanks!
