
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Prairie Garden Coaching Right Here

I'm looking to help you plant natives. No job is too big or too small, too messy or too clean of a slate. Give me your tired lawns and overgrown hedges, your wildlife yearning for sanctuary in a chem-free environment. Give me your new build, your deck pots, your cRaZy landscape, your right of ways and school grounds. Link on over.


  1. Lucky you/them/whoever.

    I'm slightly tinged with jealousy, you have so much wonderful native stuff over there. I'll merrily grow Panicum or echinacea pallida but it's travelled the Atlantic.

  2. Rob--So many great native echinacea species for us that grow far better than these ugly / new cultivars. If I were you I'd move to Nebraska. :)

  3. Good look on your business venture. I'm rooting for you.

    I've got cad software if you need any plans created.

    How is your purple praire clover doing btw. My new plants are just know emerging.

  4. Thanks, G-man. Clover isn't up yet. I do have milkweed poking up a month early. The insanity!

  5. Best wishes! I think prairie horticulture / landscape design is the last frontier of American easy to plow into farmland, or bulldoze into subdivisions. You might really like some trips to gardens in Texas, esp the I-35 corridor.

    This year, your area sounds like southern OK in biological cycles. I recall the cold spring of 1987 in Norman OK, the reverse and more like southern Neb!

    The plants you extoll handle it all with little effort.

  6. It feels WAY too much like Oklahoma this year. Even the wind is nuts. I don't think it'll get cold again--the summer will be long and dry I fear. Hopefully, I can get some play off this business--no one else is really doing it, but I don't know how to really go for it. Takes time I guess.
