It's June and the garden is growing about 17 feet per day. I'd just as soon it get on and make it to autumn, its prettiest time of year. But life goes by too fast already and all we are left with are echoes and shadows of our five senses. I give you one sense:
Fountain pump gave out. Too lazy to check on it. |
Morning sunlight makes iris glow, and the dianthus is nice, though of no benefit to insects. |
Lots of green texture variety if you look for it... |
.... like on joe pye weed. |
Prairie smokin' |
A rarely photographed angle. |
Pasque flower seed heads are the best. |
View over my wife's PhD graduation present from my folks. |
This last photo failed to load horizontally, but this is my shame area -- and it's out front, right by the door, between the garage and the sidewalk. I've decided I hate the mulch and so have used about 30 plugs of penn sedge so that, in several years, there'll be green mulch. Also gave away many non natives to make the area less messy (eclectic) and more, well, modern and contemporary (which is why the 30+ Carex arrived). I look forward to the soft green carpet. Also added a stand of little bluestem and sideoats grama for some architectural interest nearby. We'll see. Never been happy here.
I have some of those Pasque seed heads too and I agree they are at there best. The birds love those seeds. JC