
Sunday, September 16, 2007


So apparently right now in NE if you use binoculars you can see migrating monarchs against the clouds. We'll see.

It's easier to see these pics of my younger younger sister in MN playing--what her coach, the opposing coach, gloating parents, and fans in the stands say--was her best game ever (they are second in their league). Luckily, the photo person was there and a videographer. Buy the memory. Buy it. (I guess if you live in NE and can't see the game, you would buy it, but I won't. Hence the lovely words angled across each pic.)

In which she awaits the orb of doom....

In which she flirts with the opposition....

In which she describes the quality of her brother's writing using physical exhuberance....

In which a teammate apologizes for not scoring enough goals on such a fine defensive day....

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