
Friday, May 2, 2008

Damn Word Verifications on Blogs

I enjoy visiting other blogs, and I enjoy writing comments on interesting posts. However, I do not enjoy it so much that I want to spend an extra 30 seconds trying to figure out what those squiggly-smashed-together-help-me-I'm-melting letters might really be. How many times have I typed in a comment, then typed in the letters and numbers to verify I ain't spam, only to find out the "j" was an "i" or the "l" a "z" (seriously), and THEN lose my comment to a page refresh. Then I give up. Then I rant here.


  1. sigh,

    I know what you mean, and I had my word verification turned off for a while, but I started getting some truely objectionable spam comments on some old posts.

    I wish blogger had a way to have a list of "known friends of the blog" or something like that, so that we could more easily post comments without opening ourselves to ads for Viagra on a garden post.

  2. Hi Ben! I have never commented on here before, but I check it out sometimes. Jackie gave me the address and it is fun to read a bit about you! :) I had to comment because I agree completely- this happens to me all the time!!!! Drives me nuts!!

  3. Oops- sorry, the "aaron" above is me- Amanda- Jackie's friend. I didn't notice it was set under his name.

  4. I'm with you, Benjamin. It is so hard to read some of them, it does affect whether I keep trying or just give up. Why do they have to have so many letters sometimes? I got rid of it on my blog and have had only one spam get by. Because all comments have to be approved by me before they are published, I can get rid of any spam. The comments just have to wait until I can get to my email. It works for me.

  5. I'm stuck with it because I can't always get back to my comments timely. Sometimes the words spelled out are kind of amusing, but I agree, four letters should be sufficient. I don't really feel like writing a whole sentence.

  6. I am with you on this one... but I'm also with Nancy. Every time I try to turn off my word verification, I get so many spam comments that I finally cry uncle and turn it back on. If there was a way to have "approved users" or "frequent commenters" or something, I would love that.

  7. Amen Benjamin. I delete the spam posts using the Blogger delete forever option so they don't even show up as a comment deleted by the administrator.

    As for the spam comments that appear while I'm at work or living my life or working in my garden, I feel the people who read my blog and comments are savvy enough not to click on the links, as they recognize the spam comments for what they are.

    The spam comments are deleted forever as soon as I see them. That's how I choose to deal with them rather than employ the word verification option. It works for me.

  8. I was glad to read this, since I thought it was just my eyesight (& stubbornness at wearing my reading glasses) that caused me to have to redo those verification words over and over again. When my blog was on Blogger, I didn't use word verification and I only had about 3 spam comments in over a year. I'd rather see comment approval -

  9. After I've failed a few word verifications in a row, it's always a relief to come upon a straight forward comment form. I use Wordpress which has a number of plugins available to help minimize spam. Does Blogger have any effective addons to deal with spam?
    I enjoyed looking over your blog, including your plant list.

  10. Here, here! (And here and here and here!!!) I hate that stupid Blogger verification (though it's usually the q-v-g thing that gets me). WordPress catches the spam for you, so your readers don't have to go through untold aggravation. Wise up, Blogger!

  11. LOL, I have thought this many times but do have that 'captcha' phrase on mine since there is so much spam. I love it when I start to type the jumbly letters and it thinks it knows what I am trying to spell and fills it in so I can't see the jumbly letters I am trying to type and then I get frustrated and sometimes there are ten letters and on and on and....

  12. What they all said...and I amuse myself with trying to pronounce the 'word' in letter verification!

  13. Wow--so many responses! So many, as I catch up, I feel bad to give a blanket response, but here it is anyway. I also get occasional spam, but can easily delete it as some of you do. Wordpress continues to impress me with its features, and if I had time, I'd switch to it--esp if it blocks spam. Glad I hit a nerve, I think! One final word: glxjwebtrvi (pronounced glix-jewb-tro-vi).

  14. I'm with ya! And sorry to report that switching to Wordpress (for other reasons) didn't help. Susan

  15. Amen! I turned off word verification, but each comment has to be approved by me, which allows me to manually filter out spam. I don't get it very often, luckily, so this works for me.

    I tried just allowing all comments when they're made, but found that I was even worse at answering comments that way. On occasion, I'd miss that comments were made.

  16. Susan--That's disheartening about wordpress. Well, anyway, the "yays" have it. Viva la revolucion!
    Kylee--Hmmm, that may help me to do the apporval feature; I seem to be falling behind on commenting, and have probably missed a kind person or two.
