
Monday, October 20, 2008

Final Planting List

Does a plant list say the same thing about a person as a movie or music list? Books on the shelf? Clothes in the closet? A mad rush to plant mail orders in the last weeks before autumn gets serious has made me tuckerd out. Autumn has been toying with us here in Nebraska, flirting, or, more precisely, starting with feather tickling torture before the electrodes get brought in. Yeah. That's it. Snow showers on Thursday the overly excited young man on channel 8 says (he commonly runs out of breath and trips on his own words--he must be just out of weather school). 4-6" of snow just a few hours west of here Wednesday night.

Iris 'Alida'
Iris pseudacorus 'Berlin Tiger'
Eupatroium 'Baby Joe'
Caryopteris incana 'Sunshine Blue'
Eupatorium masculatum 'Purple Bush'
Cassia hebecarpa (Wild Senna)
Echinacea pallida (Pale Purple Coneflower)
Mimulus ringens (Monkeyflower)
Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamot)
Thalictrum dioicum (Early Meadowrue)
Verbena hastata (Blue Vervain)
Asclepias sullivantii (Sullivant's Milkweed)
Liatris squarrosa (Scaly Blazingstar)
Liatris spicata (Dense Blazingstar)
Liatris pycnostachya (Prairie Blazingstar)
Gentiana andrewsii (Bottle Gentian)
Spiraea tomentosa (Steeplebush)
Aster puniceus 'Eric's Big Blue'
Aster tataricus
Aster tataricus 'Jindai'
Pycnanthumum virginianum (Mountain Mint)
Liatris cylindracea (Dwarf Blazingstar)
Iris fulva (Copper Iris)
Dodecatheon meadia (Midland Shooting Star)
Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-Pulpit)
Angelica atropurpurea (Angelica)
Amorpha nana (Frgrant False Indigo)
Amorpha canescens (Lead Plant)
More drumstick and globe master alliums
More white and black tulips
Some shasta daisies (I give in)
Some various coreopsis cultivars (WAY on sale)

A well deserved rest awaits, methinks. Spring will be, well, stunning.


  1. Hi Benjamin, what a lot of plants and work to get them in before the snow flies. Well done. Looks like lots of liatris. We never really stop gardening here. Winter is for moving things since the ground is more moist and the plants can grow roots rather than foliage. The ground doesn't freeze, although sometimes it gets a crust, but that doesn't last long. You will have lots of time for planning and dreaming, how wonderful.


  2. Perhaps the length of the plant list says the most....ADDICTED!

  3. I totally think it says something about you. In fact, I'm making up all kinds of snap judgements in my mind right now... ;)

  4. That's some list Benjamin. You've been a busy busy gardener trying to get that all planted before the weather changes. Look forward to seeing the pictures next year.

  5. Frances--I've got about 10-12 different types of liatris here. I've become a collector. I envy your winter, but, well, I do apprecaite the cold and snow--because it makes me apprecaite the other seasons more.
    Layanee--Yup. Addicted. But they are so cute and cuddly when they're young and on sale....
    Kim--Do tell. Careful.
    GG--Which is why I'm pooped. Plus I've been ignoring grading papers.
    PG--I actually just want to stand back next year and take it in, but figure that won't happen.

  6. Nothing bad... :) Actually, I think that you make very handsome, logical, and ecologically sound plant choices. And there are a few things that you are growing that I covet but know that I cannot grow here--the angelica, gentian, and sullivant's milkweed among them--because of my soil.

    I never really condemn anyone else's plant choices, although I do love to look at other people's carts. (And analyze my own cart, as you can see here.) I do think it's interesting that you're going for the black-and-white tulips look. That nearly always says "formal" to me, which may just be my incorrect assumption... and the rest of your garden is so wonderfully naturalistic. Are the tulips your way of expressing that little formal side of yourself?

  7. You can't grow sullivant's milkweed? Sad. I'd truck in all new dirt, like 100 yards of it. :)

    The tulips I just like, and toss them here and there on clumps. I have subtle formal things going on not evident in photos--like smaller plants bookended by larger ones, symmetry, etc. My fountain is sorta formal, the arbor too, so I like to weave the echo of formal in the larger narrative of naturalistic. I think.

    Looking at your post, I know I need more thyme: that stuff has possibilities, man, big time possibilities. And grounds sedum is like, like, like--way cool.
