
Friday, April 10, 2009

Look What's Poking Up in the Garden

Men who garden at least 30-45 minutes per week halve their chances of experiencing impotence.

This according to several studies, and you can read more here.

I have an idea for new commercials that could tout ecological thinking AND help that guy from 1950 dressed in a santa suit. Can you picture poor Joe Blow (ahem), all depressed and alone, working in the garden--but then after a few weeks things start to take off in the compost-enriched soil. And no pesticides, please. I can imagine buxom brunettes tackling Joe and reaching for the water hose and... oh, I have to go outside now....


  1. Ha!!! I'd read that, also. And just in time for asparagus season!

  2. Thank goodness it's not a male enhancer. I spend over 50 hours a week gardening and trip over myself enough already.

  3. OFB--I love asparagus. The veg I mean. Boy, I'm in a lot of trouble with this topic.
    WA--I do not want to know what yer tripping over. TMI TMI TMI.

  4. All I trip over is my own feet.

    Too Much Information
    - it's all in your head.

  5. Beats the hell out of enzyte. Second commercial here has a gardening theme:

  6. Post and the comments like these are why I love blogging! Keep it up will you! gail

  7. Boy, the guys sure chimed in for this post!!

