
Monday, December 14, 2009

My Poem in Your Local Paper

You and hopefully 4 million others can find a poem by me in your local newspaper sometime this week. It will also appear in other print and online publications according to their schedules. The poem is part of Ted Kooser's American Life in Poetry, which provides a new poem every week free of charge to any pub who wants to print it, along with Ted's introduction to the work.

If you'd just rather go see the poem online now, click here. It will also be archived on that site if you arrive after this week and don't see it on the main page.

The poem comes from my manuscript, Afterimage, which focuses on family photographs (get it?) from the last 130 years or so. Don't ask how many times it's placed in contests or received lovely comments from editors. Some day....


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Congratulations Benjamin!!!! "Seconds away from grace" is marvelous.

  3. Thanks for sharing this news and Congratulations!

  4. Congratulations! I will be looking for it...

  5. Well done, Benjamin! Very nice indeed. Not likely to make it into papers up here, so I'm glad you provided a link.

  6. I have eaten at this same table. What a great piece and like Our Friend Ben, I love that last line.

  7. I also love the line, "seconds away from grace." What a wonderful way of describing that temporal thing that is a snapshot.

    I've eaten that turkey, too.

    Many congratulations. I'll look for the poem in our local paper.

  8. Thanks for stopping by and reading my wee little poem guys! Last lines are very important, and not to puff my own feathers, but I've always loved the way that one in this poem works. Just lucky on it, actually, no crafting, just used a dart board.

  9. Very vivid images. Love the poem.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Great poem! It so captures the photo, I can almost see those faces.

    Congratulations for the inclusion American Life in Poetry.

  12. I really liked this poem benjamin...What a image you've created...better then a photo. Congrats on the publication. gail

  13. I think it's great you write poetry and garden, terra logos ! Sorry I'm writing this comment on your latest post, but I don't know how far back people read comments. About your rabbit problems, I agree with wiring off your tree and shrub trunks so they don't become rabbit food. But mostly I want to encourage you to start (soon, this winter) propagating the many plants you have in your yard yourself. Go buy a little bit of rooting hormone (I like the liquid) and a 10 gallon aquarium. (Craigslist, free?) Then take some cuttings from your Black Chokeberry, your Viburnums, maybe some Prunus, or Serviceberry, or Clethra. (see Dirr for Tree and Shrub propagation, but also Wm. Cullina c/o The New England Wildflower Society) After dipping the cuttings in rooting hormone, stick them in 4" pots filled with moist sand and set them in the aquarium (as terrarium) in a warm (not direct sun) place for a month, then start checking weekly for roots. Pot up as soon as roots appear and transplant into soil when the warmth of Spring returns. And enjoy populating your yard without heavy expense !

  14. All--I'm glad at least a few people have read the poem. Better than just me at home! Thanks for leaving a comment!!

  15. Scott--I'd certainly do this if I were to stay here indefinitely. But even then, how do you protect these young shrubs / sticks once they're out in the garden? The rabbits will just go down the line and nip them at ground level. Right? I'll definitely propagate though when I get to a more permanent garden in 2-3 years!

  16. I went and read your poem. It is a good one. I can just see the aunt getting people to cooperate for the photo.

    Congratulations on getting it published.

  17. Tahnks Sue! Make sure you blow up the poem and put it out on your front lawn. Or might I suggest a billboard? Help a guy out?

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