
Monday, January 4, 2010

My Poetry (Chap)Book--Buy It

On New Year's Eve I found out my 2nd chapbook will be published by Finishing Line Press. Hopefully, Without Such Absence will come out this summer. I just don't know yet. It's a solid press, good list, nicely designed little books, and they are on Amazon and do some other promo unlike most other chap publishers.

So, I will eventually need to sell some books, especially pre orders, which determine the press run. The more pre orders, the larger the press run (and the more books I get free to sell myself at readings and such). If you'd like to be notified via postcard when the presale will begin--this spring sometime--email me your address. There will be some gardeny poems included in the book, which will be around 30p, and a few poems from it can be found here.

AS FOR THE PREVIOUS HOLIDAY, it was the first time the inlaws spent Christmas with my parents, and it went very well (whole family together--very cool). On the drive back to Nebraska, my wife and I counted SEVENTY (70!) cars, semis, Uhauls, and pickups along the edges of I-35--some right side up, most on their sides or upside down, and many groups of say 3-6 cars. 12/25 saw a blizzard of 1-2 feet I'm glad I wasn't driving through.

And school starts next week--I've been away from teaching since May. This may be the most apprehension I've had since my first days in 2000, but it's more to do with losing my free time than anything (in 2000 I was a 200 / 10 on the apprehension scale, 2010 is 3 / 10). Good classes though. I'm hoping. Trying some new things. Bribes. I jest not.


  1. Great news Benjamin - on the book that is! Email me as soon as you have more info

    ... and bribery.... why didn't my teachers think of that? Good on ya!

  2. Count me in! If you don't still have my email address, let me know and I'll send it again.

  3. Wonderful news, Benjamin. I would love a copy, if you would be so kind as to email me the details.
    I'm glad that you enjoyed the holidays. We received 2 feet of snow last weekend... a wonderful winter wonderland best experienced on a pair of snowshoes! Also, best when one doesn't have to be out driving in it, and can just enjoy.
    I hope you have a smooth transition into school!

  4. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

  5. Yay!!!!! That is so awesome!! I definitely want to buy one- Jackie has my address.... I best get a postcard! :)

    sooooo glad you guy's made it home safe! That is just scary! (I am way impressed with Jack and Judy for going too-)You all deserved a great Christmas together!

  6. Your garden is great. I love the before and afters. Our garden is not big enough but the first thing I wish I had planted were more of the narrow growing junipers. When the leaves have fallen and the color gone, I have those dark green trees for privacy and snow.

  7. Congrats! I'd like a postcard heads up. Hmmm. I've never emailed. The key is to remember to do so tomorrow. I'll try.

  8. I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our lives, and I am 99% certain that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.

    I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory drops, the possibility of uploading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could see in my lifetime.

    (Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4 SDHC[/url] DS TF3)
