
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Robin Bathing Pics

Caught this bird going nuts in my fountain the other morning.

Getting feet wet, testing the temp (I presume).

Diving in.

Mouth is open, so must be having a good time. If you click on the pic, the suspended water droplets make it look like a glass ball. You know, like the paperweight with a bird image inside that your grandma gave you when you were a little kid, when all you wanted was some cash to buy a Lego set. But now you sure do miss your grandma, and would give anything for a bird paperweight--even all your boxed up Legos.

(insert witty caption here)

That's it--get behind the ear, too.

And fluff until dry. Next week I'll be installing air blowers, like at the car wash. I'm full service here.


  1. Love these pictures - I could watch birds all day long. I haven't been able to get any pictures of the birds in my birdbath yet.

  2. What great shots! I like all of them, but the last one especially - it's not easy to say "looks happy" about a bird, but it really looks happy!

  3. Beautiful shots. I have a blackbird that comes to bath same time, every evening. Sometimes if I've let the pot dry out it sings and chatters & hops about in my garden, till I go outside & top it up with fresh water. I love to watch them.

  4. This guy is having such a great time, isn't he? Great shots!

  5. Beautiful! I love watching birds in their baths!

  6. Great shots - how did you get close enough to catch all that action without scaring the robin? Your birds must trust you.

  7. Lynne--I was actually about 15 feet away, maybe 20. Zoom lens on my SLR was very helpful, as was the very quick multiple snaps.

  8. I love robins ! And I also have been awarded a bathing contract to at least a pair of them, even though I live next door to a bird feeder full of house sparrows, marauders ! I have simply a large drip pan impersonating a fancy bird bath, with no fountain or pumping water at all, yet the robins come every day for a vigorous rinse off, even in the face of competition from the sparrows. But the robins will not be denied !

  9. That's fantastic! Now I need a new fountain...

  10. The robins have picked clean all of my serviceberries. Berries had been ripe for only one day!

  11. Love the photos, birdwatching is my favorite thing to do. They can be so funny to watch.
