
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

America Needs You

Seems to me we don't, and will likely not soon have, a government that calls us out on what we've forgotten. Namely, that we are Americans, and that as Americans we inherently value, treasure, desire, and thrive on diversity, freedom of speech, and freedom of just about everything. We must still fight for them, unfortunately, or fortunately, even within our own government. Lose these above aspects, and we cease being America. Are we there yet? Getting closer by the day. So, I'm calling you out, and myself--be American before it's too late. (I still hate flagpoles in the garden landscape. That's your first test. Your second test is to vote for anyone who is not an incumbent in any election, even going so far as to choose a 3rd or 4th party candidate. Will we ever take back our country or just continue to be lazy slaves to our own indifference, ignorance, and short sightedness? Amen.) I'm gonna go plant some asclepias now and smell the Salvia azurea 'Nekan' before it stops blooming.


  1. "Je ne sai quoi" is a very apt tag for this latest post. "Moi, je ne peux pas comprendre ce que vous avez ecri".

    I gather you feel passionate about something specifically American. It's just not clear what that might be. Sure would like to know what is setting your spirit on fire.

  2. I wonder if you have seen this blog? no it has nothing to do with our elephants, and everything to do with your post.

  3. Allan--Everything. Our country gets paranoid when the economy suffers. I wish I could say what really gets me thinking about it, but I can't talk about teaching on my ery public blog while the students are still current. Ca m'est egal, peut-etre.
    EE--Linking over now.....

  4. Flagpoles seem to work only in a formal landscape, to my eye. Most gardens aren't formal, so it just looks a bit jarring. We've avoided the problem (I hope) by mounting the flag on the house.

    As for booting out all the incumbents: yes, please. Personally, I think term limits would solve a lot of the behavior problems that disgust voters, like corruption. Just my two bits.

    Christine in Alaska

  5. I wish I could believe that just kicking out who's in will solve our problems. Replacing that person with someone big-mouthed and big-moneyed promising the moon is not the answer.

    For me, being American means being diligent. Research each candidate and each issue carefully, then make your decisions. Follow the money: Whoever throws more money at their campaign will have promises to keep afterwards, and not promises to the voters.

  6. I'd vote out all incumbents if I didn't think their successors would be as whacked-out as O'Donnell and Palin and all the other religious pseudo-patriots. Here, to me, is the bottom line: we have to quit relying on government to provide us with the country we want; we have to do it ourselves.

  7. Christine--Term limits! Yeah, that'll be the day. Maybe the public could vote on those? I mean, I wouldn't vote myself a cut in pay or the end of my job. As for flagpoles, you have avoided the problem. Here's a star sticker for you.
    TM--Talking NY gov are we? Campaign spending limits sure would be nice too. All that money wasted that could have been used to house homeless, educate kids....
    Sandy--MY wife forwarded it to me on a perfect day when I was struggling with teaching poetry by a gay man.
    Steve--YES! Absolutely!!! That's why I am building my own Mars rocket ship.
