Saturday, December 25, 2010

Walken in a Winter Wonderland

It looks EXACTLY like this outside as I gaze through the nearest window:

And how about SNL's "Carol of Intimacy"

"Leave me alone! Please go away!
I'm doing fine! Just get away!"


Unknown said...


LOVE IT! Merry Christmas.

Pas de blabla... Juste des photos said...

Merry Christmas to you and to your family.

Lona said...

Merry Christmas to you Benjamin!

Unknown said...

That's exactly how it looks? Complete with Christopher Walken? Creepy!!! ;)

Hope you had a very merry Christmas!

debsgarden said...

Love it! We had snow too, but in much less quantity. I hope you had a merry Christmas. Best wishes for the New Year!

Kyna said...

I'm a sucker for anything Walken.

Benjamin Vogt said...

Sorry for the blanket statement here, but just got back from a week away. Merry Christmas to you all! Glad to know every one of you. Really. I swear.