
Monday, June 11, 2012

I Made This

The first two monarchs of the season, both female, emerged after 10 days. Here's a bad picture of one.

Haven't had any egg laying for a month--pretty dry, to boot, so stuff that's making the mad dash upward and outward is stressed out. I mean, drought in June? It's our wettest summer month. I've never had to water so early.

If you're in Lincoln Saturday, come to the Haymarket Farmer's Market and talk to my wife and I about native plants, ecosystems, organic plant care... then buy some seeds, books, photos, bee houses, plants, etc. Monarch Gardens will be across from Lazlo's in front of the train station from 8-noon unless there's a thunderstorm or I win the lottery. If I win the lottery, you're all invited to my 10,000 acre prairie restoration and artist's colony.


  1. Ben, I wish I could come to Lincoln Saturday. If you win the lottery, I WILL drive out from Virginia and help with the restoration! I really enjoyed your wildflower tribute last week. I was working for a pollinator garden then, whose keeper had said to all the visitors, "If you grow nectar plants, you're borrowing somebody else's butterflies. If you grow host plants,you're making your own." It was great to hear that message from The Middle to the side!

  2. I love that quote, Sue! Yes! (now get in your car)

  3. If you win the lottery, I will be happy for you, then try to win myself, so I can buy up and revegetate most of Abq. But your chances being higher than mine, living in that colony and helping with the restoration work would be OK.
