
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Speaking Prairie in Wichita, KS

Tuesday July 24, 7pm, at Botanica Gardens, I'll be regaling the Wichita Organic Gardening Club with tales of my native prairie plants and gardening methods. Expect door prices and giveaways, like plants and seeds and books and any pocket lint I may have. Organic, of course. Why not come on over? And don't say because you live in South Africa or France or something.


  1. Since some dummies here think they are on prairie, I bet Wichita is only a half hour away, so no excuse for me. Have a good time there.

  2. Thinking about adding a native garden to my vast expanse. This is just what the Garden Dr. ordered. See you there, looking forward to it and hope I don't win the lint! :)

  3. D--I wish wichita were only 1/2 hr away. But at least I can stop nearby and do some memoir research if I want.
    A--Oh, watch out. I'll bring extra lint for you! (I will be talking native plants the create ecosystems full of life.)

  4. my pocket lint, and the rolled up jeans - support gardening for wildlife all on their own. I have the seeds collected for me ...

  5. It makes me so happy to hear that Wichita has an organic gardening club, and even better they want to go native. That is just awesome!

  6. You need a heckler in the audience? He he. I think I will try to remember and personal assistant is in oklahoma city until tuesday so I will have to remember on my own. I've got an extra room if you don't wont to drive back.

  7. D--Ha! I'm 100% sure you do!
    S--Well, I'm bringing my preaching hat no matter what!
    G--Yes! Come heckle me! I've got lodging taken care of, but heckling is most appreciated.
