My wife's office has an egress window. Said window area was filled with ugly pea gravel for drainage. She figured why not put a thin layer of something more attractive on top? I give you slate bits. A lovely, contemporary feel which will, I hope, soon be adorned with morning glory vines dangling down (will they succumb to my will?).

But to the rest of the garden. Lots of stone steppers lead you through, fork at the fountain--avec river stone, perhaps not big enough river stones--and twist a bit around the not so level back yard (it slopes down in two directions: toward the house and parallel to it).

Then there was extra stone, so I made a temporary path out front in the (mostly) shade bed betwixt the garage and sidewalk. Once, a boyscout used it with great whimsy after we ignored the doorbell. Oh, the path is temporary because I figure that young's weeping white birch will grow, unless the borers get to it first, but I'm trying to keep the soil around it how birches prefer so as to ensure its healthiness.

Here's a stone that weighs at least 40lbs. I found it where an iris had to go. Is it a native?

And aren't mountain bluets neat? (Centaurea montana) Ciao.