A recent feature in the
Minneapolis Star Tribune about the loss of prairie on the Great Plains has, of course, poured salt on an open wound for me. The last few years I've read book after book, article after article, about the loss of this critical habitat--and it is critical, as much as the Amazonian rain forest, but you don't hear fundraising songs or see national tv ads or billboard signs funded by "Save the Prairie." So, here are some highlights of the article with stunning maps of how much we've lost--even in just the last 5 years.
The Biggest Pressure on Prairie is Commodity Prices
"Livestock operators just can't compete against the combined forces of
crop insurance and high commodity prices. Around Highmore, they estimate
they can make $50 to $100 an acre by grazing cattle; corn is fetching
$300 or more per acre this year, regardless of how good the yields are [thanks to crop insurance].
In recent years, new varieties of genetically modified corn and soybeans
have allowed farmers to push the Corn Belt westward, planting row crops
on land once better suited to grazing cattle [because it's so arid]. Today, that tough prairie
sod doesn't have to be plowed, just planted. The new corn and soybean
seeds are immune to Roundup; farmers can kill the native grasses with
the herbicide, then plant right over them."
[And all this marginal farmland needs irrigation--draining reservoirs, streams, rivers, prairie potholes, and the largest underground freshwater formation, the Ogallala Aquifer, which is being depleted so fast it may be gone in just a few decades. The Ogallala spans SD, NE, CO, KS, OK, KS, TX, and NM.]
How much grassland there was |
Prairie is a Water Filter and Bird Nursery
"Heavy spring rains, once sequestered by wetlands
and deep-rooted prairie plants, instead pour off the cropped fields.
Eventually the water, often carrying fertilizer, herbicides, and
pesticides, makes its way to the Missouri River, then to the Mississippi
and eventually to the
Gulf of Mexico's "dead zone'' -- an area near the
mouth of the great river, now nearly 6,000 square miles in size, which
is so polluted that it can no longer sustain most aquatic life.
"The northern plains that include Minnesota, the Dakotas and Canada
are called "the duck factory," because nearly
half the nation's wetland
and grassland birds are born there, and many of those species are in
decline. Many other animals are already gone, especially the large
creatures like elk, bison and prairie wolves. Now, the smaller ones are
at risk as well."
Prairie as Buffer Against Drought and Dustbowl II
"In the dry summer months,
some of the richest soil in the world sometimes blows away on the wind."
"According to one federal study, the 16 South Dakota counties that
experienced the greatest loss of grasslands are also the counties most
susceptible to drought and crop loss. Farmers in those counties also had
twice the insurance payments as the rest of the state."
How much has been converted |
How Fast Grasslands are Vanishing
"Since 2008, the rate of land conversion nationally has exploded. In just four years, some 37,000 square miles of grasslands, wetlands
and shrublands have been converted to row crops, according to the
Environmental Working Group (EWG) and the Defenders of Wildlife, which
analyzed federal satellite images to document the change. Minnesota and the Dakotas alone lost an area the size of Connecticut.
Of the Minnesota land that was once tallgrass prairie, only
one-fourth is in grasses of any kind today, according to satellite data.
And only about
300 square miles, scattered in remnants across the
state, remains in its virgin state."
How much has been converted in the last 4 years |
The Other Side
"Brian Hefty, who is reaping
the benefits of the new agriculture, sees things differently. He
dismisses the arguments for preserving more prairie with a critical
"How much do you need?" he asked.
Hefty and his brother, Darren, are third-generation South Dakota
farmers. They own 2,500 acres of corn and soybeans near Sioux Falls, and
they run a chain of 34 stores that provide farmers in eight states with
seeds, chemicals and equipment to drain their fields.
The Hefty Brothers are widely known among Midwestern farmers as the
blond and jovial hosts of "Ag Ph.D.,'' a folksy cable TV show where they
teach all the latest farming techniques and technology. Their annual
farm fests draw hundreds to workshops on topics like patterned tile
drainage and navigating wetland protection rules.
In making the case for modern agriculture, Hefty shows a serious side
that his TV fans don't always see. He also illuminates the deep
philosophical divide between agriculture and conservation.
land, he said, is an improvement over land in its natural state. [why do we still have this antiquated, 19th century mindset?]
"Don't tell us what we have to do with our land," he said in an interview. "We are trying to make it better."
True, he acknowledged, South Dakota is "pretty dry" compared to the
rest of the Corn Belt. Still, farmers should grow corn here because the
new technology and the quality of the soil allow them to grow some of
the best corn on Earth.
"There aren't many places better than this," he said.
The latest advances in agriculture are also good for the environment,
he said.
Roundup Ready corn reduces soil erosion because farmers can
plant with less plowing, he said. "Now I can plant seed without massive
And the new seeds, by generating higher yields per acre, mean less
land has to be used to fulfill demand, he said. As a result, Hefty said,
the United States has the cleanest water and one of the most productive
food systems in the world.
"In a good share of the world, they don't care about the environment," he said. "They want to eat."
My Rebuttle to Mr. Hefty:
GMO corn that is roundup ready encourages mass spraying. Crops that grow more densely don't mean less land is used, as made evident by the amount of marginal land converted in recent years. It's about money. Greed. About navel gazing. About our eyes just on the present moment, forgetful of past lessons, unsympathetic about paying it forward. If you're trying to build a business to pass on to your kids, especially farming, it will be hard for them as global temperatures swing violently (
the arctic sea ice melt may cause massive swings in the jet stream, leading to prolonged dry and wet spells).
Don't get me started on the growing links between high fructose corn syrup and diabetes,
Alzheimer's and junk food, or GMO foods creating learning disabilities and allergies... or corn fattening up cattle, hogs, and chickens (all pumped full of hormones, making girls begin puberty earlier, hormones that change sex in fish and that stays in our drinking supply for a very long time)--all that corn makes for fatter meat than grass fed animals, leading to increased heart disease.
How much is left |
The Ecological Effects
"Once native prairie is plowed, it's gone, ecologists say. It
takes decades of careful planting and management to restore the complex
web of life that includes microbes and tiny insects invisible to the
human eye."
"When preserving wildlife, there are thresholds," said Joe Fargione, a
prairie specialist with the Nature Conservancy.
"You can keep species
if you lose half or 70 percent" of an ecosystem. But if you go beyond
that, you start to see losses of species. Compared to rain forest
habitat, we may be closer to those critical thresholds."
Why don't you go read this lovely piece by Bill McKibben about global warming.
Carbon Sequestration
"Perhaps least appreciated, however, is the role grasslands play in
storing carbon, which, when released into the atmosphere as carbon
dioxide, is a major contributor to global warming.
Their vast underground root systems, which can reach depths of eight
or nine feet, hold an astonishing one-third of the world's carbon
stocks. That's almost as much as the amount stored by forests, according
to the World Resources Institute, an environmental think tank. On
average, every time an acre of grassland is plowed, it releases 60 tons
of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere -- about the amount emitted
annually by 30 passenger cars.
Preserving grasslands as a hedge against climate change makes sense,
even after considering the environmental benefits of ethanol, said Jason
Hill, a University of Minnesota professor who studies grasses and
It will take a century before the carbon saved by burning corn
ethanol equals the amount unleashed by plowing up the grassland used to
produce it in the first place."
I Go On
I feel terribly angry and impatient when it comes to conservation.
People look out for themselves in the moment, there's no larger image in
their minds, no community, no one species looking out for the larger whole. If you want to change the world, you have to do it slowly through red tape, grass roots organizing,
petitions, creating awareness, fighting the "don't tell me what to do I'm an American" syndrome, and dealing with corporations and
governments bent on self interest--it all feels like a juggernaut of spikey anvils crashing
into my head. And I feel we're out of time. How do conservationists keep fighting, especially as they lose
more and more no matter what victories might happen? And we need big ones--like a buffalo commons, a Grassland National Park the size of Yellowstone (we have no national park which is prairie).
If I have kids I know the world
I'm giving them will be worse than mine. Resources will be more scarce.
The luxury of time we had to plan ahead, afford those changes via
alternative energy and conservation, that time will be gone--the money
will be gone, the priorities shifted in a panic of oil and clean water
running out. We borrow the future from our youth,
and we're borrowing most of it.
We don't care about our children.
I want to leave
something more. I want to stand up and shout that I did something, some
of us tried our best, some of us wailed hard against the ignorance and the power hungry, money hungry, uncaring
majority (or is it a minority). What do I do? How do I do it? How do you change a species? How
do you change centuries of culture? How do you change what surely must
in the end be human nature? How do we learn that in innovation and restraint comes
even more possibility? Like a sonnet whose form is so structured that
when you order the syllables and rhymes--when you creatively push against the limitations--something far more incredible transcends the boundaries of
imagination. Have we lost the ability to imagine our full potential?