This is what I got from Wayside for free, a Rosa Radyod. I've never loved roses--to me too cliched, too expected, and I'm a tactile person in the garden and roses are sorta sharp. But, I thought I'd try one anyway (keep your friends close, your enemies closer).
I know a Knock Out can be many colors, but for some reason I had my mind on red. It would've worked better where I wanted this shrub. But I put it there anyway to what is turning into an aisle of barbie pink. Things will have to change come spring.
Speaking of which, I can't believe how much I already want to move after just the first 2 months of starting up my garden! In the rush of buying all the things I've always coveted but never had room for, I've placed stuff a bit willy nilly. I've been paying far more attention to height, width, and texture than to color. I just couldn't balance all these strategies in my head. I am confident I placed the trees correctly, so that's good, and the arbor and obelisk and trellis are anchored in good spots (with plans for a fountain next year, and a bench coming in two days).
In addition to my orgasmic haste to plant, I wanted a coneflower bed. Now I realize that a) I'd like other things in there too to make more of a prairie bed that leaks out to other areas and b) the stone path sure would've looked better going through it rather than around it. What does all this look like? Well, when we get the first freeze I'm going to post a first year garden review in order to assuage my sadness of losing it for months. We're getting close. (You could also scroll down to posts from early September.)
Looks like we escaped a freeze last night by 2 degrees, so might have some blooms left out there today. A freeze looks likely this weekend. 81 three days ago, mind you. 70 today. At least we get fall this year.
Hello Benjamin,
That tendency toward Barbie Pink is so ingrained by nature - down here it's the Crepe Myrtles that get overwhelming. So many of my plants turned out that color, no matter what the tag read, that I finally gave in and made a Pink Entrance Garden, transplanting them to one place. My husband and I even found pinkish rocks for this border.
But the pink rose that I bought and added was also mismarked - it blooms red.
It's fun watching your garden evolve!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Thanks for stopping by Annie! I guess as long as the pink brings in the pollinators and wildlife, I shouldn't complain so much; but we'll have to see.
That one was a nice tip to enhance the beauty of a garden design. Actually I don't know how to make my garden pleasing to see. If you will have the best garden designs it seemingly appreciative to the by-passers.So I am just gathering information to some and search on the internet.
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